Monday, December 31, 2012

Goals for the New Year

Now, I don't normally do New Year's resolutions.  Mainly because I've learned over the years that I just don't keep to them.  But in light of the last year and how much it has changed our lives, my husband and I both decided to make some goals for 2013.  We have made up individual lists and a family list, both of which are still growing and evolving.  We both understand that all of the goals on our lists may not be attainable this coming year, but it is something to strive for.  There are plenty of other goals on the lists that will be easy to attain, so I am praying that we have the strength and will power to stick with them.

Here are a few items from my list:

Volunteer more
Add more healthy foods to my diet (how my picky self is going to do that, I don't know)
Read at least one nonfiction book a month
Be more disciplined in my daily quiet time with God

And a few examples from the family list:

Move towards being more self-sustaining by gardening-vegetables, herbs and fruit
Volunteering more as a family
Continue working on ending youth entitlement

I suppose that the gardening goal should be on my list as well since I will be the one mainly in charge of it.  In theory, gardening is awesome.  In practice, I stink at remembering to stay on top of watering, feeding and weeding. To solve most of the weeding issues, I'll be planting all of our stuff in containers.  I'll add watering as a daily chore for one of the kids as well to help out.

I'm excited about the new possibilities we have ahead of us in 2013 and I'm glad we'll be ringing it in with friends. 

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